Identity area
Reference code
Más Chile para todos. Grabación Convención Programa de Candidatura Presidencial de Ricardo Lagos
- 1993-03-26 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
22mm 54ss
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Archival history
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Secuencia de imágenes de Convención programática. Aparece Ricardo Lagos saludado por una multitud, Illapu cantando, la presentación de militantes socialistas que apoyan a Ricardo Lagos, entre ellos Hortensia Bussi, el Presidente de la FEch, Álvaro Elizalde, el Presidente de la FEUC, Fulvio Rossi; imágenes de la historia de Chile explicando el contexto de la historia y vida de Ricardo Lagos: pasando por la Unidad Popular y el Golpe Militar, para terminar con su lucha contra la dictadura de Augusto Pinochet
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
Script of material
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Cinta VHS
Finding aids
Allied materials area
Existence and location of originals
Sección: S.3 - Pieza: P.0015
Existence and location of copies
Related units of description
Notes area
Se adjuntó un fragmento del video en mp4
Alternative identifier(s)
Access points
Subject access points
Place access points
Name access points
- Lagos Escobar, Ricardo (Subject)
- Candidato Presidencial (Subject)
- Bussi, Hortensia (Subject)
- Allende L., Isabel (Subject)
- Ominami, Carlos (Subject)
- Rebolledo, Víctor (Subject)
- Durán, Luisa (Subject)
- Tohá, Jaime (Subject)
Genre access points
Description identifier
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Level of detail
Dates of creation revision deletion
Archivist's note